Generating confidence and courage: how we can stay mentally healthy in challenging times

In challenging times, it is essential to maintain confidence and courage in order to stay mentally healthy. But what is confidence and how does it differ from hope?

What is confidence?

Confidence is a strong, inner trust that things will change for the better. It goes beyond mere hope, as it is based on a firm inner conviction. While hope is often passive and waits for external circumstances to change, confidence is active and resilient, fuelled by a belief in one's own ability to have a positive impact on life.

Difference between confidence and hope

Hope is the feeling of wishing for a good outcome, often without active involvement or concrete action. It can be fleeting and is sometimes more of a vague idea. Confidence, on the other hand, is deeply rooted and is based on realistic optimism and the conviction that you can influence things yourself. Confidence is more enduring and is strengthened by experience and self-awareness.

Why are confidence and hope not the same thing?

Hope and confidence are not the same thing because hope is often passive, whereas confidence has an active component. Hope can be comforting in difficult times, but confidence provides the energy and will to take action and bring about change. Confidence is fuelled by action and experience and is therefore more sustainable and stable.

Characteristics of confidence

Confidence is characterised by a positive attitude, self-confidence and resilience. People with confidence see challenges as opportunities and believe in their ability to solve problems. They are able to keep a cool head even in difficult situations and find constructive solutions. This attitude not only promotes their own mental health, but also has a positive effect on those around them.

Historical view of confidence in our society

Historically, confidence has played a central role in many cultures and religions. In ancient philosophy, for example among the Stoics, confidence was seen as a virtue that made it possible to face life's challenges. In modern society, confidence continues to be highly valued, especially in times of crisis and uncertainty. It is recognised as an important component of mental health and personal well-being.

The ability to maintain confidence is particularly important in today's fast-paced and often stressful world. It helps us to keep a clear head and act constructively despite the uncertainties and challenges we face.

1. The power of positive thoughts

The power of positive thoughtsAPositive thoughts are a powerful tool for gaining confidence. According to expert and author Doris Wolf, affirmations and consciously focussing on positive aspects of life can have a huge impact. By regularly reminding ourselves of our successes and strengths, we can boost our self-confidence and break through negative thought patterns.

2. Practical strategies for more confidence

  • Set realistic goals:

    Small, achievable goals can help to see progress and reinforce a sense of control.

  • Practise gratitude:

    Daily gratitude exercises can have a positive influence on our thinking and lift our mood. Just a few minutes a day are enough to feel the benefits.

  • Seek social support:

    Talking to friends, family or a therapist can provide relief and open up new perspectives. It is important not to isolate yourself, but to accept support.

  • Practise self-care:

    Regular breaks, hobbies and activities that bring joy are crucial for mental health. Yoga, meditation or walks in nature can help to reduce stress and calm the mind.

3. Strengthen resilience

Resilience, the ability to bounce back from setbacks, is a key to mental health. Studies show that people who are more resilient are better able to cope with stress and change. Resilience can be strengthened through various techniques:

  • Acceptance:

    Accepting that change and challenges are a part of life helps to lose less time and energy in resistance.

  • Flexibility:

    Adapting and finding new ways to deal with problems can help you feel less overwhelmed.

  • Promote optimism:

    An optimistic attitude can be encouraged through conscious decision and practice. Optimism does not mean ignoring reality, but expecting the best despite difficulties.

4. Inspiration and role models

Podcasts and articles can be a source of inspiration. The podcast ‘How to find confidence and hope in a crisis’ offers practical advice and stories from people who have overcome challenges. Such stories can be encouraging and show that there are always ways to overcome difficult times.

5. Preventive measures

Prevention plays an important role. Regular mental exercises, such as those offered on REDEZEIT FÜR DICH, can help to create a strong mental foundation. By talking to volunteer listeners, worries and fears can be shared and dealt with at an early stage before they become major problems.

To summarise, confidence and courage can be strengthened through positive thoughts, realistic goals, gratitude, social support, self-care and resilience. By acquiring and nurturing these skills, we can stay mentally healthy and cope better with challenges. Encouraging stories and sharing with others can also inspire and support us.

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About the authors

The editorial team of REDEZEIT FÜR DICH is a team of mental health experts, professional coaches and dedicated writers who are committed to sharing knowledge and insights around the topic of mental wellbeing. With a deep understanding of the challenges of modern life and a wealth of experience in supporting people in crisis, the editorial team provides content that informs, inspires and shows ways to personal fulfilment.

In the articles by the REDEZEIT FÜR DICH editorial team, readers will find a carefully curated mix of practical advice, in-depth reflections and motivating stories. Each article is written with the aim of encouraging readers to prioritise their mental health, strengthen their resilience and build a supportive network.

The REDEZEIT FÜR DICH editorial team is always open to suggestions, feedback or personal stories that you would like to share with us. We are here to support, share and pave the way to a mentally healthy community together.