The effect of conversations on our mental health

Language enables us to exchange what moves us in our innermost being. This can be very relieving psychologically and promote inner balance, such as in telephone counselling (for example with REDEZEIT FÜR DICH), in coaching or in the context of psychotherapy - but in certain cases it can also have exactly the opposite effect.

The sound of the sea, far away.

Words become waves.

Your gentle whisper.

This three-line poem is written in the style of a Japanese haiku with the fixed syllabic scheme 5-7-5. Sometimes our words sound gentle but still resonate - as in this haiku. They can caress the soul, comfort a crying child, even give healing. Words can provide clarity, but they can also lead to misunderstanding. Then again, they are a passionate appeal or even an accusation that leads to an argument. Or we ask questions upon questions, but the answers are missing.

There is little that gives us more stability and thus promotes our inner balance than a deep relationship with a fellow human being. But what happens if you don't have that trusted person in your private life with whom you can share your worries and needs? Or what if the current crisis cannot be overcome with private conversations and everyday skills?

In the current column "Mental Health and the Power of Words I: Why Speaking Liberates", written by Nora Hille for the online magazine FemalExperts, she addresses the following three aspects:

▶ How do we talk to ourselves?

▶ Conversation with a familiar person

▶ Professional conversation offers

Read more in her column on

Nora Hille Weizen 2022 unbearbeitet

About the author

Nora Hille, born 1975, married, two children. Studied history, literature and media studies. 12 years working in the field of communication/PR. Retired for health reasons. Writes as an affected person and experience expert on the topics of mental health and mental illness. Is committed to anti-stigma work, i.e. against the stigmatisation (exclusion) of mentally ill people in our society for more togetherness, tolerance and equality. She also writes literary essays, poems and short prose.