BLOGPOSTS for the tag "glueck-oder-happyness"

Generating confidence and courage: how we can stay mentally healthy in challenging times
In challenging times, it is essential to maintain confidence and courage in order to stay mentally healthy. But what is confidence and how does it differ from hope?
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Let go of stress! For more peace and well-being
In our fast-paced world, stress is almost unavoidable. It impairs our performance at work and in everyday life. Sports psychologist Melanie-Bibiane Müller knows what can do us good.
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Study on mental health: Talking for more happiness
Are psychotherapy, counselling centres and self-help groups still taboo? May is Mental Health Awareness Month and it is time again for a study with our partner Appinio.
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Trace the lightness and find it again
Have you already reached for your third coffee of the morning? And still ‘muddy in the head’ and listless? It could be spring fatigue ...
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From discord to diversity
And life can also be quite confusing. The many contradictions can create a feeling of discrepancy and unease within us. Author Tamara explains how you can deal with this.
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81% of Germans are happy but keep quiet about their feelings: New study for Mental Health Week 2023
A new study by REDEZEIT FÜR DICH and Appinio shows: While 81% of Germans describe themselves as generally happy, 41% rarely talk about their emotional burdens.
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Am I happy? About quiet happiness and how I can ask it into my life!
20 March is the day of happiness, a good time to go on a journey of discovery with our author Annett.
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