BLOGPOSTS for the tag "mental-health"

Staying in touch with our feelings - A guide
Feelings are like the weather: changeable and temporary. But why do we often block out our feelings and constantly chase happiness instead? Author Lukas Klaschinski may know more.
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The ABC of emotions
Emotions characterise our everyday lives, influence our decisions and shape our relationships. Here's a little ABC.
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Worst Case! The art of dealing with thoughts of disaster
In a world characterised by uncertainty and constant change, we are often faced with the challenge of dealing with our own thoughts of catastrophe. How do we deal with it?
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Why the emotion wheel can deepen your understanding of feelings
Imagine you had a compass that didn't show you the points of the compass, but the directions of your emotional world. This is exactly what the emotion wheel is ...
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Mental Health: Depression and social media detox in a self-experiment
"I use my smartphone excessively and feel depressed. Could intense social media consumption promote depression?" Author Nora Hille's research confirms a connection.
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Anxiety at work in Germany: A reflection of mental challenges in working life
Over 50% of Germans are stressed and anxious by work, mainly due to pressure and responsibility, according to the Headspace survey. What can we do about it?
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Am I happy? About quiet happiness and how I can ask it into my life!
20 March is the day of happiness, a good time to go on a journey of discovery with our author Annett.
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Talks and touches for the soul
Non-verbal communication is a factor in conversation. When is it appropriate to use touch in a conversation? A short conversation with Prof. Dr. Sebastian Ocklenburg.
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How to stop the head rush and improve your mental health
Negative thoughts can lead to a vicious cycle, which is called "head-case". It can affect mental health, but there are measures you can take to break free.
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Mental Health in the Digital Age - A Mental Health Study with Appinio
In a recently published representative study (by age and gender) on the topic of mental health, REDEZEIT FÜR DICH and Appinio asked 1,000 people how they are really doing.
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Study: Germans talk to make themselves feel better
At the end of Mental Health Week under the motto "Talking lifts your spirits", a new study underlines that almost half of Germans talk to make themselves feel better.
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Depression is a widespread disease - and it threatens our mental health
"I want to be small, crawl in somewhere, no longer have to think or feel. Life has become a tightrope act for me...." Author Nora Hille on depression and its threat.
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The effect of conversations on our mental health
Language enables us to exchange what moves us in our innermost being. This can be very relieving psychologically and promote inner balance. Nora Hille from FemalExperts magazine explains why.
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Talking connects - talking helps
Since a few days, you can find REDEZEIT FÜR DICH in the help finder of Freunde fürs Leben e. V. . We would therefore like to take this opportunity to introduce Freunde fürs Leben e. V. in our blog.
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Is that actually healthy?
Today, being healthy still means being physically healthy. But where are the sentences like "Honey, you have to rest and take breaks so that you are not completely exhausted at some point"?
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End of work in the home office: these 6 rituals help you switch off
Do you find it difficult to draw the line between work and private life in your home office? The following tips will help you to relax after work.
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Saying no - How is it easier?
In many situations we simply say "yes" although we actually mean "no". And then we get angry about it. Coach and mediator Friederike Hepner-Ramm gives tips for saying "no".
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This is the fastest way to find your way into psychotherapy
As founder of the non-profit MindMe therapy agency, Marvin Michael Gatermann is campaigning nationwide for easier and faster access to psychotherapy. He describes the path in a guest article.
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Is New Work driving me into exhaustion depression? Episode 2
In episode 2 of our two-part series, we now have 5 practical tips to avoid falling into an exhaustion depression.
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Is New Work driving me into exhaustion depression? Episode 1
Simply Listened: Crises and Mental Health in the Agile Work Environment.
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The need of the people currently affected by #war and #refugee is great. What can we do now? Like many others, we at REDEZEIT FÜR DICH have been asking ourselves this question since last week.
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