BLOGPOSTS for the tag "fuersorge"

Autumn between melancholy and new beginnings
At REDEZEIT FÜR DICH, we experience just how much the ‘autumn blues’ affect people. In our new interview, listener Katja Fleischmann shares her views on this special time of year.
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Mattering - Why it is so important to feel valued
‘Mattering’ describes the feeling of being important to other people - the feeling of being seen, heard and needed.
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Resilience - the immune system of the soul
Resilience is the resilience of the soul. Our listener Yvonne Müther describes the levers you can use to strengthen yourself.
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Generating confidence and courage: how we can stay mentally healthy in challenging times
In challenging times, it is essential to maintain confidence and courage in order to stay mentally healthy. But what is confidence and how does it differ from hope?
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Let go of stress! For more peace and well-being
In our fast-paced world, stress is almost unavoidable. It impairs our performance at work and in everyday life. Sports psychologist Melanie-Bibiane Müller knows what can do us good.
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Staying in touch with our feelings - A guide
Feelings are like the weather: changeable and temporary. But why do we often block out our feelings and constantly chase happiness instead? Author Lukas Klaschinski may know more.
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Trace the lightness and find it again
Have you already reached for your third coffee of the morning? And still ‘muddy in the head’ and listless? It could be spring fatigue ...
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Let's talk about emotional exhaustion
In our modern society, which is characterised by a fast pace of life and high demands, the phenomenon of emotional exhaustion is increasingly becoming a challenge for many people.
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Worst Case! The art of dealing with thoughts of disaster
In a world characterised by uncertainty and constant change, we are often faced with the challenge of dealing with our own thoughts of catastrophe. How do we deal with it?
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Overcoming silence: our vision at REDEZEIT FÜR DICH
Today, people talk openly about physical health problems such as colds or broken bones. But when it comes to mental health, there is often a depressing silence. Not with us!
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Why the emotion wheel can deepen your understanding of feelings
Imagine you had a compass that didn't show you the points of the compass, but the directions of your emotional world. This is exactly what the emotion wheel is ...
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Why is a call to REDEZEIT not just a call?
A call to REDEZEIT FÜR DICH: Why it can be a step full of scepticism, but a leap towards understanding and support.
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From discord to diversity
And life can also be quite confusing. The many contradictions can create a feeling of discrepancy and unease within us. Author Tamara explains how you can deal with this.
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Mental Health: Depression and social media detox in a self-experiment
"I use my smartphone excessively and feel depressed. Could intense social media consumption promote depression?" Author Nora Hille's research confirms a connection.
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Anxiety at work in Germany: A reflection of mental challenges in working life
Over 50% of Germans are stressed and anxious by work, mainly due to pressure and responsibility, according to the Headspace survey. What can we do about it?
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Man and his creature of habit - on the power of our habits and how we can change them
What exactly is behind habits, how do they develop and how can we use them to our best advantage instead of letting them restrict us? Our author Tamara Drexler knows more.
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Mentally healthy at work thanks to stress management
28th April is Workplace Health Day - a good opportunity for columnist Nora Hille to take a look at the types of stress and how they affect mental health.
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Connectedness instead of loneliness: How loneliness weakens us - and how we can counter it
Loneliness is not the same as being alone. It affects many people regardless of age, gender or social position. Our author Tamara Drexler explains why.
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Letting go is an art and strengthens our mental health - but too often our hearts are attached to objects.
What happens to us emotionally when we love things? What does that have to do with our ability to let go emotionally? And how does that relate to our mental health? Nora Hille knows the answer.
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How to stop the head rush and improve your mental health
Negative thoughts can lead to a vicious cycle, which is called "head-case". It can affect mental health, but there are measures you can take to break free.
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Magical everyday moments - recognising them strengthens our mental health
If we consciously go through our everyday life, concentrating entirely on the here and now, we can experience so much that caresses our soul. Columnist Nora Hille knows how.
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Talking connects - talking helps
Since a few days, you can find REDEZEIT FÜR DICH in the help finder of Freunde fürs Leben e. V. . We would therefore like to take this opportunity to introduce Freunde fürs Leben e. V. in our blog.
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Is that actually healthy?
Today, being healthy still means being physically healthy. But where are the sentences like "Honey, you have to rest and take breaks so that you are not completely exhausted at some point"?
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The need of the people currently affected by #war and #refugee is great. What can we do now? Like many others, we at REDEZEIT FÜR DICH have been asking ourselves this question since last week.
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Help for helicopter parents: with these 7 tips you can support your child
Helicopter parents always mean (too) well with their children. How you can learn to let go and still be close to your children is explained by REDEZEIT listener Astrid Meinberg.
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