BLOGPOSTS for the tag "veraenderungen"

Mattering - Why it is so important to feel valued
‘Mattering’ describes the feeling of being important to other people - the feeling of being seen, heard and needed.
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Resilience - the immune system of the soul
Resilience is the resilience of the soul. Our listener Yvonne Müther describes the levers you can use to strengthen yourself.
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Staying in touch with our feelings - A guide
Feelings are like the weather: changeable and temporary. But why do we often block out our feelings and constantly chase happiness instead? Author Lukas Klaschinski may know more.
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The ABC of emotions
Emotions characterise our everyday lives, influence our decisions and shape our relationships. Here's a little ABC.
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Man and his creature of habit - on the power of our habits and how we can change them
What exactly is behind habits, how do they develop and how can we use them to our best advantage instead of letting them restrict us? Our author Tamara Drexler knows more.
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Letting go is an art and strengthens our mental health - but too often our hearts are attached to objects.
What happens to us emotionally when we love things? What does that have to do with our ability to let go emotionally? And how does that relate to our mental health? Nora Hille knows the answer.
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On the effect of appreciation
Five tips to kick-start the appreciation spiral by our listener Cornelia Linnéa Fiedler.
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Talking to each other - also about stigma
As if it were yesterday: The annual Mental Health Week took place from 10 to 20 October. We think that mental health should always be a topic.
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On a conversational journey: You only learn more about yourself and the possibilities when you reveal more about yourself.
"I have been on a conversation journey since 2019. At the beginning, the journey didn't have a name because it wasn't consciously designed as a journey ..." René is on the road and discovering life.
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Professional fulfilment - how to find a job that suits you
Only 16% of people in Germany love their job. The considerable proportion of 68% only do duty by the book. Listener Stefanie Fink explains how you can find a job that suits you.
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End of work in the home office: these 6 rituals help you switch off
Do you find it difficult to draw the line between work and private life in your home office? The following tips will help you to relax after work.
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Mastering change in small steps
In her article, systemic coach Katharina Temme explains why people find it so difficult to seek new perspectives and allow for change.
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